Getting The Serial Key Off Windows 7 Disk
From the Windows NT-based (Windows XP and 7 specifically) command prompt, how can I get the serial number of a hard drive as a variable? The one I'm looking at is the serial number of the physical hard disk drive
4 Answers
vol C:
this will get the volume serial number given to it by windows.
Auto Log Off Windows 7
wmic diskdrive get serialnumber
Windows 7 Product Key – How to Get Win 7 Key Working [2018 Update] by Softlay Editor Updated 17 May, 2018 You get a Windows 7 product key when you purchase Windows operating system for one or more PCs. *Original Title: windows 7 install cd. I have my install cd for windows 7 pro sp1 but the product key from it is on the computer that got thrown in the garbage!! I want to install it on the new computer i got that has no OS on it at all. Is there anyway to get the product key from the disc before i install it? Thank you for any help.
this gets the manufacturers serial number of the hard drive.
What you are looking at is NOT the hard drive serial number.
It is called the Volume Serial Number. It is generated at the time of creating and formatting the volume / partition.
You can get it by using a command at command prompt :
C:> vol c:
is the drive you want to retrieve the Volume Serial Number for.Summary: in this tutorial, we will show you how to use the PostgreSQL ADD COLUMN statement to add one or more columns to an existing database table. Introduction to the PostgreSQL ADD COLUMN statement. To add a new column to an existing table, you use the ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN statement as follows.
If you omit any column that accepts the NULLvalue in the INSERT statement, the column will take its default value. In case the default value is not set for the column, the column will take the NULL value. PostgreSQL provides a value for the serial column automatically so you do not and should not insert a value into the serial column. Introduction to the PostgreSQL SERIAL pseudo-type. In PostgreSQL, a sequence is a special kind of database object that generates a sequence of integers. A sequence is often used as a primary key column. The concept of the sequence in PostgreSQL is similar to. The copy command allows you to specify which columns to populate. If you omit the id column, it will be populated with the values from the sequence: copy pricing_cache (column_1, column_2) from stdin with csv col_1_value,col_2_value col_1_value,col_2_value. You haven't shown us your complete table definition.
All you can do is redirect the output of that command to a file :
C:> vol c: > myvol.txt
and it will be stored as a text file in yourC:
I am attaching a screenshot with the highlights:
- The file was stored in the root of
- This is what the
file looks like in Notepad:

In a batch file one approach is:
- VOL command to produce the serial number as text along with text we don't want.
- FIND to trim it down to only the line with the serial number.
- FOR to grab the 5th token (a part between delimiters) on the line with the serial number.
- SET to assign to an environment variable
In the same vein as Moab's answer, but using PowerShell this time:
This command gets an instance of the Win32_DiskDrive
WMI class and outputs the model of each disk drive in the computer and its corresponding serial number from that instance.
This answer assumes PowerShell 3.0 or later. If running an older version, use Get-WmiObject
in place of Get-CimInstance
On Windows 8 and later, you can also use this command:
bwDracoSmartscreen Filter Turn Off Windows 7
bwDracoprotected by bwDracoFeb 11 '18 at 19:14
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In order to install or reinstall Windows operating system you must have your product key in place. The product can typically be found on the back-side of your laptop or on the DVD box. Users who have purchased Windows online can check their inboxes for a welcome email containing Windows product key.
Users who no longer have the product key can take the help of third-party tools such as Windows Product Key Viewer and LicenseCrawler to retrieve Windows 7 and Windows 8 product key from registry. But what if your PC has some boot issues and you want to recover Windows product key from an unbootable PC?
Follow the step-by-step instructions mentioned below to easily recover your Windows product key from an unbootable Windows 7 or Windows 8 machine.
NOTE: This method involves downloading a software from the web. So, you need another PC to download the software. This guide works on Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 operating systems.
Step 1: Get started by downloading Recover My Password Home Edition software on another functioning Windows machine. Yes, the software that lets you reset your Windows password helps you recover Windows product key as well. Note that Recover My Password Home Edition is free for non-commercial purpose only.
Step 2: Install Recover My Password and launch the same.
Step 3: On the welcome-screen, you will see an option to create bootable CD or USB. Click Burn Bootable CD/USB Disk Now! button, and then click Next button.
Step 4: Select your CD/DVD or USB flash drive that you would like to use as recovery media, click Commit button. If you have selected a USB drive, Recover My Password will display a warning message saying that “All data on the USB disk will be erased. Do you want to format the USB disk now?”. If you have any data on the USB, do a quick backup and then click click Yes button.
Recover My Password might take a few minutes to create your bootable media. Once your recovery CD or USB is ready, you will see “The recovery disc is now ready” message. Click Finish button to exit.
Step 5: Insert the recovery CD/DVD into the optical drive or connect the bootable USB that you have prepared on another machine to your unbootable PC and restart your PC to see the following screen:
NOTE: In order to boot from a DVD or USB, you may need to make some changes to the BIOS.
Step 6: Select Lazesoft Live CD [EMS Enabled] option and press Enter key to start loading required files.
Step 7: In the following screen, select Recover Windows Product Key option and then click Next button to see your Windows product key. That’s it! Vocal remover pro 2 serial key and emails. Note down the product key on a piece of paper and store it in a safe place. Click Finish button to restart your PC.
Good luck!